Special IGA Dialogue for Actions “Acceleration of ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) Mainstreaming for Peace, Stability and Prosperity in the Indo-Pacific”
1. on the compatibility between RCEP, AOIP, AJCEP and IPeF
From the baghwatian point of view, this will create the so called spaghetti bowl effect. but if we take baldwinian view, the all round regionalist prognosis will be positive as long as it is compatible with multilateralism. so the idea is to bring this as a building block instead of stumbling block.
2. Lesson learned from asean
ASEAN is very lenient and sustainable. the one that can be learned that ASEAN is just like a sponge that can absorb and adapt. but from the economic front, having established since 1967, ASEAN is actually going nowhere. We are lacking the right impetus to do the leapfrogging. Having this in mind, it is fair to say that ASEAN need prodigious pull factors that come externally. The ASEAN Outlook of Indo pacific can hit ASEAN to the next level of competitiveness. Certainly that this will not be a single undertaking as we need to expand more under a more open regionalist framework.
3.quadruple helix collaboration
quadruple helix is the key of growth and sustainability. we need this idea to be engaged across stakeholders. most of the time, this type of initiative circles around the elites and struggles to find its way to the grass roots. so from the very nascent stage, the said stakeholders should be involved.
4. on people to people relation
in international economics, we have an economic modeling based on the gravity equation. as the name suggest, we have two components: size and distance as the very variables that determine trade and economic relation.
gdp, income, population often used to represent size while distance is well represented by physical distance (in km) as well as non physical distance.
while size is definitely matters, but most of the time the economic ties is determined by non physical distance.
in kilometers we might be quite far away but now with technology-augmenting mode, this so called physical distance is no longer an existential issue. what matter the most is the non physical distance that comes at the form of development, language, politics and cultural proximities.